Complete configuration ====================== .. _configuration: Configuration options --------------------- You can look current settings with the following command: .. code-block:: bash moneta-ctl config ini -v 2 You can also display the actual list of Python settings (for more complex tweaks): .. code-block:: bash moneta-ctl config python -v 2 Here is the complete list of settings: .. code-block:: ini [auth] allow_basic_auth = true # Set to "true" if you want to allow HTTP basic auth, using the Django database. create_users = false # Set to "false" if users cannot create their account themselvers, or only if existing users can by authenticated by the reverse-proxy. ldap_bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com # Bind dn for LDAP authentication ldap_bind_password = toto # Bind password for LDAP authentication ldap_deny_group = # authentication is denied for users belonging to this group. Must be something like "cn=disabled,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com". ldap_direct_bind = uid=%(user)s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com # Set it for a direct LDAP bind and to skip the LDAP search, like "uid=%%(user)s,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com". %%(user)s is the only allowed variable and the double "%%" is required in .ini files. ldap_email_attribute = # LDAP attribute for the user's email, like "email". ldap_filter = (uid=%(user)s) # Filter for LDAP authentication, like "(uid=%%(user)s)" (the default), the double "%%" is required in .ini files. ldap_first_name_attribute = givenName # LDAP attribute for the user's first name, like "givenName". ldap_group_search_base = ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com # Search base for LDAP groups, like "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ldap_group_type = posix # Type of LDAP groups. Valid choices: "posix", "nis", "GroupOfNames", "NestedGroupOfNames", "GroupOfUniqueNames", "NestedGroupOfUniqueNames", "ActiveDirectory", "NestedActiveDirectory", "OrganizationalRole", "NestedOrganizationalRole" ldap_is_active_group = cn=active,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com # LDAP group DN for active users, like "cn=active,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ldap_is_staff_group = cn=staff,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com # LDAP group DN for staff users, like "cn=staff,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com". ldap_is_superuser_group = cn=superusers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com # LDAP group DN for superusers, like "cn=superuser,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com". ldap_last_name_attribute = sn # LDAP attribute for the user's last name, like "sn". ldap_mirror_groups = true # Mirror LDAP groups at each user login ldap_require_group = cn=active,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com # only authenticates users belonging to this group. Must be something like "cn=enabled,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com". ldap_server_url = ldap://localhost:12389/ # URL of your LDAP server, like "ldap://". Python packages "pyldap" and "django-auth-ldap" must be installed.Can be used for retrieving attributes of users authenticated by the reverse proxy ldap_start_tls = false # Set to "true" if you want to use StartTLS. ldap_user_search_base = ou=People,dc=example,dc=com # Search base for LDAP authentication by direct after an search, like "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com". local_users = true # Set to "false" to deactivate local database of users. pam = false # Set to "true" if you want to activate PAM authentication radius_port = # port of the Radius server. radius_secret = # Shared secret if the Radius server radius_server = # IP or FQDN of the Radius server. Python package "django-radius" is required. remote_user_groups = Users # Comma-separated list of groups, for new users that are automatically created when authenticated by remote_user_header. Ignored if groups are read from a LDAP server. remote_user_header = HTTP_REMOTE_USER # Set it if the reverse-proxy authenticates users, a common value is "HTTP_REMOTE_USER". Note: the HTTP_ prefix is automatically added, just set REMOTE_USER in the reverse-proxy configuration. session_duration = 1209600 # Duration of the connection sessions (in seconds, default to 1,209,600 s / 14 days) social_providers = github # Comma-separated OAuth2 providers, among "baidu","angellist","openid","douban","persona","bitbucket","hubic","dropbox","daum","stackexchange","untappd","pinterest","windowslive","google","dropbox_oauth2","fivehundredpx","vk","amazon","line","robinhood","vimeo","eveonline","discord","slack","twentythreeandme","edmodo","asana","soundcloud","weixin","digitalocean","fxa","linkedin","twitter","linkedin_oauth2","auth0","odnoklassniki","bitbucket_oauth2","feedly","basecamp","shopify","mailru","weibo","draugiem","naver","mailchimp","paypal","facebook","gitlab","reddit","spotify","stripe","xing","twitch","orcid","github","kakao","bitly","flickr","coinbase","evernote","tumblr","foursquare","instagram". "django-allauth" package must be installed. [cache] db = 2 # Database number (redis only). # Python package "django-redis" is also required to use Redis. engine = redis # cache storage engine ("locmem", "redis" or "memcache") Valid choices: "redis", "memcache", "locmem", "file" host = localhost # cache server host (redis or memcache) password = # cache server password (if required by redis) port = 6379 # cache server port (redis or memcache) [database] db = moneta # Main database name (or path of the sqlite3 database) engine = postgresql # Main database engine ("mysql", "postgresql", "sqlite3", "oracle", or the dotted name of the Django backend) host = localhost # Main database host password = 5trongp4ssw0rd # Main database password port = 5432 # Main database port user = moneta # Main database user [email] from = # Displayed sender email host = # SMTP server password = ao2-P_FtETUDcRta # SMTP password port = 587 # SMTP port (often 25, 465 or 587) use_ssl = false # "true" if your SMTP uses SSL (often on port 465) use_tls = true # "true" if your SMTP uses STARTTLS (often on port 587) user = # SMTP user [global] admin_email = # e-mail address for receiving logged errors data = $DATA_ROOT # where all data will be stored (static/uploaded/temporary files, …). If you change it, you must run the collectstatic and migrate commands again. language_code = fr-fr # default to fr_FR listen_address = localhost:8131 # address used by your web server. log_directory = $DATA_ROOT/log/ # Write all local logs to this directory. log_remote_access = true # If true, log of HTTP connections are also sent to syslog/logd log_remote_url = # Send logs to a syslog or systemd log daemon. # Examples: syslog+tcp://localhost:514/user, syslog:///local7, syslog:///dev/log/daemon, logd:///project_name server_url = # Public URL of your website. # Default to "http://{listen_address}/" but should be different if you use a reverse proxy like Apache or Nginx. Example: ssl_certfile = # Public SSL certificate (if you do not use a reverse proxy with SSL) ssl_keyfile = # Private SSL key (if you do not use a reverse proxy with SSL) time_zone = Europe/Paris # default to Europe/Paris use_apache = true # "true" if Apache is used as reverse-proxy with mod_xsendfile.The X-SENDFILE header must be allowed from file directories use_nginx = False # "true" is nginx is used as reverse-proxy with x-accel-redirect.The media directory (and url) must be allowed in the Nginx configuration. [gnupg] home = $DATA_ROOT/gpg/ # Path of the GnuPG secret data keyid = # ID of the GnuPG key path = /usr/local/bin/gpg # Path of the gpg binary [server] graceful_timeout = 25 # After receiving a restart signal, workers have this much time to finish serving requests. Workers still alive after the timeout (starting from the receipt of the restart signal) are force killed. keepalive = 5 # After receiving a restart signal, workers have this much time to finish serving requests. Workers still alive after the timeout (starting from the receipt of the restart signal) are force killed. max_requests = 10000 # The maximum number of requests a worker will process before restarting. processes = 2 # The number of web server processes for handling requests. threads = 2 # The number of web server threads for handling requests. timeout = 35 # Web workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted. [sessions] db = 1 # Database number of the Redis sessions DB # Python package "django-redis-sessions" is required. host = localhost # Redis sessions DB host password = # Redis sessions DB password (if required) port = 6379 # Redis sessions DB port If you need more complex settings, you can override default values (given in `djangofloor.defaults` and `moneta.defaults`) by creating a file named `/moneta/`. Optional components ------------------- Efficient page caching ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You just need to install `django-redis`. Settings are automatically changed for using a local Redis server (of course, you can change it in your config file). .. code-block:: bash pip install django-redis Faster session storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You just need to install `django-redis-sessions` for storing sessions into user sessions in Redis instead of storing them in the main database. Redis is not designed to be backuped; if you loose your Redis server, sessions are lost and all users must login again. However, Redis is faster than your main database server and sessions take a huge place if they are not regularly cleaned. Settings are automatically changed for using a local Redis server (of course, you can change it in your config file). .. code-block:: bash pip install django-redis-sessions Debugging --------- If something does not work as expected, you can look at logs (check the global configuration for determining their folder) or try to run the server interactively: .. code-block:: bash sudo service supervisor stop sudo -H -u moneta -i workon moneta moneta-ctl check moneta-ctl config ini moneta-ctl server You can also enable the DEBUG mode which is more verbose (and displays logs to stdout): .. code-block:: bash FILENAME=`easydemo-ctl config ini -v 2 | grep -m 1 ' - .ini file' | cut -d '"' -f 2 | sed 's/.ini$/.py/'` echo "DEBUG = True" >> $FILENAME moneta-ctl runserver