Requirements ============ As said before, Python is required but this is not the only requirement: * Python (3.5, 3.6, 3.7), * setuptools>=1.0 Python package (automatically installed with Moneta), * djangofloor>=1.0.25 Python package (automatically installed with Moneta), * gnupg>=2.3 Python package (automatically installed with Moneta), * rubymarshal Python package (automatically installed with Moneta), * pyyaml Python package (automatically installed with Moneta), * an optional Redis server for sessions and cache, * mysqlclient (Python package) libmysqlclient and libmysqlclient-dev (system packages) if you want to use MySQL, * psutil (Python package) to display system information on the monitoring page, * psycopg2 (Python package), libpq and libpq-dev (system packages) if you want to use PostgreSQL, * cx_Oracle (Python package) and the associated system packages if you want to use Oracle, * django_redis (Python package) is you want to cache pages in Redis, * django-allauth (Python package) for OAuth2 authentication, * django-radius (Python package) for Radius authentication, * django-auth-ldap (Python package) and libldap-dev (system package) for LDAP authentication, * django_pam (Python package) for PAM authentication.