Quick installation

Moneta mainly requires Python (3.5, 3.6, 3.7).

You should create a dedicated virtualenvironment on your system to isolate Moneta. You can use pipenv or virtualenvwrapper.

For example, on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-dev build-essential
sudo apt-get install ruby  # required for Ruby mirrors

On VirtualBox, you may need to install rng-tools to generate enough entropy for GPG keys (otherwise the generation will be very slow):

sudo apt-get install rng-tools
echo "HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/rng-tools
sudo service rng-tools restart

If these requirements are fullfilled, then you can gon on and install Moneta:

pip install moneta --user
moneta-ctl collectstatic --noinput  # prepare static files (CSS, JS, …)
moneta-ctl migrate  # create the database (SQLite by default)
moneta-ctl createsuperuser  # create an admin user
moneta-ctl check  # everything should be ok

You can easily change the root location for all data (SQLite database, uploaded or temp files, static files, …) by editing the configuration file.

CONFIG_FILENAME=`moneta-ctl config ini -v 2 | grep -m 1 ' - .ini file' | cut -d '"' -f 2`
# prepare a limited configuration file
mkdir -p `dirname $CONFIG_FILENAME`
data = $HOME/moneta

Of course, you must run again the migrate and collectstatic commands (or moving data to this new folder).

You can launch the server process:

moneta-ctl server

Then open http://localhost:8131 with your favorite browser.

You can install Moneta in your home (with the –user option), globally (without this option), or (preferably) inside a virtualenv.